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Artefact 1
Artefact 1
Artefact 2
Artefact 2



The artefacts are a copy of our CPS Record of Adjustment form and some sample slides from a presentation made to staff in preparation for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD). What: Chatswood Public School (CPS) has provided professional development to classroom teachers in preparation of NCCD coupled with efficient and thorough record keeping through the creation of a CPS Record of Adjustment form that is collaboratively completed by classroom teachers and the Learning and Support Team. When: Staff participated in a half day professional development session during term 2, 2016, on the NCCD model. How: The CPS Record of Adjustment form is completed by classroom teachers with assistance from the Learning and Support Team. One form is completed for every student that is included in the NCCD collection. A copy is retained by the classroom teacher and the Learning and Support Team. Why: NCCD training was planned in collaboration with Linda Gerard (AP Learning and Support, Ryde East Public School) due to teacher requests for more understanding of the NCCD model and their requirements.


The Significant Impact

Chatswood Public School (CPS) has an obligation towards students with a disability under the DDA and The Standards. These entail we do not discriminate against a person with a disability in relation to their education and that we ensure that students with a disability are able to access and participate on the same basis as students without disability. Training provided to staff on the above obligations combined with practical advice on how we meet this needs is crucial to meet these obligations and contribute towards CPS’s strategic direction 1: Quality Teaching and Leadership, being to increase the skills and knowledge of staff, so they can meet the needs of students with specific learning needs.


While the CPS Record of Adjustment form was  initially created for the purpose of evidence for NCCD, it has provided a valuable source of information utilised during the annual transition to the new school year for both students and teachers as well as a data collection tool to assess student progress. Ongoing annual collection will provide a base for CPS to self-assess if we are meeting the often complex needs of our students with a disability.




In our self-assessment process the leadership team analysed a range of evidence to support our judgement.


SEF Connections

Learning Element

Curriculum and Learning - Sustaining and Growing

CPS Record of Adjustment form is utilised not only as supportive evidence required for NCCD lodgement, but as source of information that supports students’ successful transitions from year to year between grades and classroom teachers.


Assessment and Reporting - Sustaining and Growing

Education of staff in their obligations re parent consultation and the requirement to record such consultation on the CPS Record of Adjustment form, contributes to parents understanding of what their children are learning and the adjustments being made to move them to the next level.


Teaching Element

Collaborative Practice - Sustaining and Growing

The Learning Support Team works collaboratively with classroom teachers on completion of the CPS Record of Adjustment, during which time they reflect and review current practice in relation to student needs and suggest and develop together practices that could improve teaching and learning.




Please check the link below re: School Excellence Framework

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