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Bilingual Program

Artefact 1
Artefact 1



The artefact is a video made by SBS interviewing the school about the English/Korean bilingual program and the benefits. Why: The bilingual program aims to develop students to become bilingual/multilingual learners and improve cognitive and academic skills. How: Through the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) method, students learn through interactive, fun and engaging activities. What is the benefit? Students in the bilingual program have the opportunity to learn another language, have the ability to code switch by using two different languages throughout the day and therefore developing cognitive and problem solving skills. When used? The bilingual program is delivered every day based on subject-oriented teaching following the NSW syllabus every day. Language lessons are team taught at least an hour a week and homework is set through worksheets, set words and Youtube clips.   



The Significant Impact

The bilingual program has been fulfilling the school goal of developing Global Connections particularly in the area of Asian Literacy and helping our students to become global learners in the 21st century. It enables our students to participate in shaping a better shared future. Students have been involved in cultural experiences and parents have shown great enthusiasm and involvement in the program. Therefore, students have developed a love for learning and have shaped them to become global citizens. Students have also shown exceptional levels of speaking/listening, reading/responding and writing in Korean.




In our self-assessment process the leadership team analysed a range of evidence to support our judgement.


SEF Connections

Learning Element

Curriculum and Learning - Sustaining and Growing

Bilingual teachers involve students and parents in planning to support students and continually reviewing and enhancing the program for students to achieve maximum learning outcomes. We have involved parents with their children's’ learning through class blogs, Youtube clips, homework, audio files as they progress through the stages of education.


Teaching Element

Effective Classroom Practice - Sustaining and Growing

Teachers are using the CLIL method and are continually using student's’ performance data and other student feedback to evaluate and refine our teaching practices. Teachers regularly use student performance data and other student/teacher and parent feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of our own teaching practices. This data along with parent surveys have helped inform future school direction with the bilingual program.


Leading Element

Leadership - Sustaining and Growing

The school’s leadership strategy promotes succession planning, distributed leadership and organisational best practice. The school leadership team makes deliberate and strategic use of its partnerships and relationships to access resources to enrich the school’s standing within the local community and improving student outcomes, such as networking with bilingual schools such as Murray Farm and Campsie Public School to ensure community engagement, share resources, resulting in sustained and measurable improvement. Students have benefited from the school’s planned and proactive engagement with the broader community (Korean cultural centre) and have received helpful resources for the bilingual program.



Please check the link below re: School Excellence Framework

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