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Artefact 1
Artefact 1



This artefact is a video that chronicles some of the activities that the students of a Year One class participated in during a STEM integrated unit of work. What: The video clip shows how STEM at Chatswood Public School is taught in an integrative, engaging, meaningful and structured way. Why: The footage from the video demonstrates the commitment of the Chatswood Public School teaching faculty to provide students with student-centred learning opportunities that will help them develop the skills needed to thrive in the modern world and become global citizens. How: The unit was part of a program on weather and provided students with engaging learning experiences that covered a variety of curriculum areas while allowing them to enhance their understanding of the content and develop their skills in areas such as team work, research, computer programming, engineering and scientific inquiry.


The Significant Impact

STEM education is becoming increasingly important because advancements in science and technology are driving rapid changes in the structure of society and the way people live their lives. The school has demonstrated its capacity to adapt to these changes and help students develop the skills needed to function within a modern and innovative economy. The video demonstrates how students are provided with opportunities to become more scientifically and technologically literate. Our aim is to encourage students to become more interested and proficient in STEM because these are the subject areas that are at the heart of 21st century skills.




In our self-assessment process the leadership team analysed a range of evidence to support our judgement.


SEF Connections

Learning Element

Learning Culture - Excelling

School staff frequently collaborate to identify the learning needs of the students and ensure that STEM units are programmed to meet these needs.


Teaching Element

Learning and Development - Sustaining and Growing

Staff regularly attend professional development sessions to help them improve their teaching methods. This learning is later shared with the rest of the school through whole school staff development days or stage meetings.


Leading Element

School Planning - Sustaining and Growing

A clear plan has been created with a goal of seeing STEM implemented across all Stages and in all classes at the school. Staff development events are held to help familiarise staff with the plan and show them the steps that they can take to implement it. Regular meetings are held to ensure the plan is on track and that any problems are discussed and solved.



Please check the link below re: School Excellence Framework

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