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Three-way Conference

Artefact 1
Artefact 1



The artefact displayed outlines the flexibility of the Three-Way Conference booking system. When: In 2016 trialed the interview booking system module by Sentral in 2016 for our Three-Way Conferencing. What: Five classes were chosen to participate in the trial, involving the classroom teacher, parents and the student. How: In 2017, the booking system was implemented across the school. Staff are able to display their availability and parents can click on their preferred dates for these meetings through the Parent Portal on set registration dates. Interviews involve each student from Year 1 to Year 6 as an active and essential member of the interview. Interpreters are also arranged at the request of the parents; ensuring language is not a barrier to the process. This is arranged in collaboration with the EAL/D staff, who may also be present at the conference if requested. Why: Having all necessary parties involved is essential in support of student progression as part of the Teaching and Learning Cycle.


The Significant Impact

During this session, parents are able to ask questions, express ideas and help make plans to support their child’s learning at home. Teachers support students and parents by clarifying, elaborating and responding to specific questions and concerns. Students participate through reflection on their progress as well as goal setting with the staff and parents ensuring all is involved in the learning process.




In our self-assessment process the leadership team analysed a range of evidence to support our judgement.


SEF Connections

Learning Element

Learning Culture - Excelling

Curriculum and Learning - Sustaining and Growing

Three-Way Conference help to facilitate the development of students' organisational skills, oral communication skills and to increase their self-confidence. It has helped students to reflect and accept personal responsibility for their learning. Teachers, students and parents are all actively involved in the process.


Teaching Element

Effective Classroom  Practice - Sustaining and Growing

Professional Standards - Sustaining and Growing

The Three-Way Conference help students demonstrate evidence of their learning and progress which helps to teach students the process of reflection and self-evaluation. This process help teachers at Chatswood Public School use student reflection and data to evaluate teaching practices and cater to the different needs of our individual students.  


Leading Element

Management Practices and Processes - Sustaining and Growing

Booking of the Three-Way Conference on Sentral has been a smooth transition for both teachers and parents. It is a streamlined and flexible program to use to deliver services and information and also strengthens parental engagement. Interview notes can also be recorded so that there is a record for staff to look up information on students.



Please check the link below re: School Excellence Framework

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