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Report and Assessment

Artefact 1
Artefact 1
Artefact 2
Artefact 2



The artefacts include a sample report schema to demonstrate how our reporting system is setup as well as and a final sample student report. What: At Chatswood Public School, Sentral assists our school’s assessment strategies by working effectively to offer a range of ways to input, analyse and view student assessment data. When: In 2017, Chatswood public school has moved to the inbuilt reporting system providing a comprehensive report of the students’ progress to the parents on a bi-annual basis. How: In addition, any assessment data are able to be presented as charts, graphs and tables, enabling teachers to detect trends, monitor class groups or individuals and measure the effectiveness of individualised support programs. Why: This provides a clear picture of each student’s achievements and educational needs.


The Significant Impact

In addition to the formal reporting schema, teachers are also able to access NAPLAN and ICAS results, plot on the continuum, record reading levels and numeracy levels in our TENS program. The easy access of this information enables teachers to effectively follow the Teaching and Learning Cycle of planning, teaching and assessing.




In our self-assessment process the leadership team analysed a range of evidence to support our judgement.


SEF Connections

Learning Element

Learning Culture - Excelling

Assessment and Reporting - Sustaining and Growing

Sentral allows a comprehensive report to be created on each individual student. At Chatswood public School, parents receive a copy of the formal report at the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2 as a record of achievement for their child. All staff members are trained to use Sentral reporting and are able to access these reports for their reference.


Teaching Element

Collaborative Practice - Sustaining and Growing

Professional Standards - Sustaining and Growing

During each semester, stage teams collaboratively write stage comments for all Key Learning Areas during scheduled weekly team meeting. These comments are saved and shared on Sentral under student comments for reference and for future use. This allows for a common understanding, language and consistency across the stages and grade when reporting.



Leading Element

Management Practices and Processes - Sustaining and Growing

A need for a more effective and efficient way of reporting was identified by staff in late 2015 and early 2016. In response to the changes for SBSR and feedback from staff, a shift to Sentral reporting was made in 2017. All school leaders were supported to develop skills and then passed onto their teams during meetings for the successful transition.



Please check the link below re: School Excellence Framework

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