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Behaviour Record

Artefact 1
Artefact 1


The artefact outlines the use of The Incident Register on Sentral. When: In 2016, Chatswood Public School began to document student behaviour began using Sentral to record a summary of behaviours that have occurred within the school over the period of a school day. What: We expect children to achieve academic success, to play fairly, to act safely, to respect school property and to interrelate positively with each other and with staff and parent helpers. How: When an incident occurs in the playground or in the classroom, teachers are required to log the incident online. Why: The information is analysed by the executive team, Learning and Support Team and staff members to help identify certain patterns of behaviour and therefore allowing the school to plan strategies for managing prevailing risks faced by the students.


The Significant Impact

Using this system builds a complete picture of an incident and enables Chatswood Public School staff to stay on top of an incident by attaching correspondence to a record where necessary for example; detention, escalation, parents/caregiver contacted and other relevant avenues in accordance to Chatswood Public School wellbeing practices Behaviours are dealt with according in a timely manner, reducing the incidents in the classroom and playground.



In our self-assessment process the leadership team analysed a range of evidence to support our judgement.


SEF Connections

Learning Element

Learning Culture - Excelling

Wellbeing - Sustaining and Growing

At Chatswood Public School we expect children to behave in a manner that brings credit to themselves, to our community and to our school. Sentral informs staff of whether expectations are being met through concrete data analysis and guides modification to wellbeing practices when required.


Teaching Element

Collaborative Practice - Sustaining and Growing

Professional Standards - Sustaining and Growing

Student Welfare at Chatswood Public School encompasses everything that the school community does to meet the personal and social needs of students and to enhance their well‐being. Problem behaviours are regarded as learning errors and logged onto the Sentral system. In the event that a student has demonstrated inappropriate behaviour, teachers will support improvement through re‐teaching, pre‐correction and corrective feedback where necessary providing a dynamic learning culture.



Leading Element

Management Practices and Processes - Sustaining and Growing

Sentral allows staff to record observations of student behaviour and to plan appropriate support and intervention where a student’s pattern of behaviour becomes a pattern of concern. Observations are recorded onto the Incident Register allowing teachers as well as the Learning and Support Team, to provide support through conferencing, pre‐correction and re‐teaching to students who are having difficulties in staying on task, being respectful or keeping themselves and others safe. Parents will be kept informed of staff concerns by means of letters, phone calls as well as formal and informal meetings with staff.


Please check the link below re: School Excellence Framework

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