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Bilingual Program

Artefact 1
Artefact 1
Artefact 2
Artefact 2
Set 1K8 Bilingual Teacher
Set 2K8 Bilingual Teacher



The artefacts are differentiated Korean set words and the corresponding audio file. Why: These set words help students to learn and remember the Korean alphabet/words at their own pace/level. How: The set words are differentiated according to the students’ knowledge and understanding of Korean spelling and word meaning. These words are used for different activities in the classroom to ultimately build their knowledge in Korean literacy. Each child has an individualised learning goal each week and homework tasks are given accordingly. What is the benefit? By using the set words it helps students to solidify their learning and understanding of the Korean alphabet, words and meaning of words. When used? These set words are used during Korean rotation activities and is also set as homework. When a goal has been achieved students are challenged through new tasks according to the students’ needs and where further help is needed.


The Significant Impact
Chatswood Public School successfully initiated the English/Korean Bilingual program in 2016 to maximise learning at our school. The program consists of students from different cultural backgrounds. Bilingual education helps to improve cognitive and academic skills and help students to develop skills necessary for problem solving and innovation. Through the use of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), students are growing to become bilingual learners through subject-oriented teaching. The bilingual program has helped students to develop flexible thinking and problem solving skills. It has increased the number of bilingual/multilingual students at Chatswood Public School. It has also had a significant impact on our students’ understanding of the world around them which is developing them to become global citizens in the 21st century.




In our self-assessment process the leadership team analysed a range of evidence to support our judgement.


SEF Connections

Learning Element

Curriculum and Learning - Sustaining and Growing

The bilingual program involves students and parents in the planning process to support students’ successful transitions. Differentiated Korean set words are available with the audio files to help students and parents to pronounce the words correctly. It is also a way for parents to be involved and support their child’s bilingual education.


Teaching Element

Collaborative Practice - Sustaining and Growing

The bilingual teachers work together to share ideas and resources to help differentiate lessons, activities and homework for our students. The 2 kindergarten classes have team taught lessons at least once a week and activities are differentiated for the different abilities in the 2 classes. We are also in the process of developing a scope and sequence for the K-6 bilingual program as a team.  We are constantly giving and receiving feedback to cater for the different needs of our students.


Learning and Development - Sustaining and Growing

All bilingual teachers have been CLIL trained and are implementing evidence-based teaching strategies when delivering bilingual lessons. Teachers are continually using student performance data and other student/parent/teacher feedback to evaluate and refine teaching practices.



Please check the link below re: School Excellence Framework

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